Tuesday 22 March 2022

Enable geoserver to serve frond end and overcome the CORS problem

 Go to geoserver\lib in the lib directory of geoserve to find jetty-servlets-XX.jar and jetty-util-xx.jar (xx means different versions) two jar packages

Copy the all jars packagesfrom geoserver\lib to the geoserver\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF\lib\ directory

 Go to the geoserver\webapps\geoserver\WEB-INF directory to find web.xml and add the following XML:













add the following line at the beginning of startup file of geoserver   

"C:\Program Files\GeoServer\bin\startup.bat" edit it by notepad++

set geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy=false

or using the service 

open the wrapper folder C:\Program Files\GeoServer\wrapper

and edit the cmd command which placed at the end of the jsl64 file


stop the service and run the startup.bat as administrator

Everything will be OK