Saturday, 22 October 2011

Create GlassFish Domain

How to add GlassFish server to Netbeans and create new domain?

Follow the following Figures

GlsssFish Version 

GlassFish Location

GlassFish Domain, the check box "use default Ports" checked unchecke it

To get the server port

You can call any servelt on this server via the server computer IP and GlassFish Server Port which is 28354

Best Wishes,

Mohammad Abu Hmead

Get or Change MS SQL server TCP/IP

How to get or change MS SQL TCP/IP?
  1. Open Sql Server Configuration Manager.
  2. Open SQL server network configuration.
  3. Press on Protocols for MSSQLSERVER.
  4. Right click on TCP/IP -> Enable. Look at the figures  bellow.

Double Click on TCP/IP will show the figure bellow 

Go to IP All Section and look at the TCP Port Field if is it empty write 1433 which is the default port for the SQL server.

Best Wishes, 

Mohammad Abu Hmead

Create MS SQL new Login

How to create new user on MS SQL?

  1. Open MS Sql Management Studio.
  2. Log in via Windows Authentication.
  3. Open Security Folder.
  4. Open Logins  Folder.
  5. Right Click -> New Login...
  6. Write the user name.
  7. Select the Sql Authentication 
  8. Type a password 
  9. Pick the DB which this user should manage.
Look @ the figure bellow 

      10. Press on User Mapping, Pick the DB which you want this user to manage and select the memberships     rules. look at the Figure bellow.

         11. The Status Tab should be as the following Figure.

    12. Press OK.
    13. Right click on Server name -> Properties 
    14. Press on Security tap and Pick SQL server and windows authentication mode under Server Authentication section. Look @ the figure bellow

Best Wishes,

Mohammad Abu Hmead.

Create MS SQL account

How to create new user on MS SQL?

  1. Open MS Sql Management Studio.
  2. Log in via Windows Authentication.
  3. Open Security Folder.
  4. Open Logins  Folder.
  5. Right Click -> New Login...
  6. Write the user name.
  7. Select the Sql Authentication 
  8. Type a password 
  9. Pick the DB which this user should manage.
  10. Press OK.
Look @ the figure bellow